Trampolining is great exercise and great fun. With a few safety precautions including the use of a trampoline enclosure and/or trampoline safety pads, injuries can be kept to a minimum. With any form of exercise or sport, there is always the risk of injury. On a trampoline it can be collision risk (ie. colliding with another person, having one of your own limbs strike yourself...) but again with some common sense and having the precautionary trampoline safety pads or enclosure, the big injuries can be minimized.
This blog will highlight the enjoyment, exercise and also comraderie that your own trampoline will provide. By applying common sense, basic trampoline instruction, using a safe, sturdy trampoline protected by a trampoline pad, you will have hours of enjoyment without breaking the bank and also get to wear off some of that built up energy and some calories too.
Will be selecting and providing trampoline videos on a regular basis, so get jumpin!